A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure

A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure

A Complete Handbook of Nature Cure – For people who advocate and recognize the latent healing power of nature like my esteemed friend and fellow practitioner, Shri H.K. Bakhru, naturopathy is a way of life. It is a distinct philosophy and science which strengthens the age-old faith in the correction of bodily disorders and restoration and maintenance of health through elements freely available  in nature. It brings home the basic fact that healing is brought about by the inherent curative powers of the body.

The simplicity of this method should not deter individuals from its use. The final complete healing will come from within. In short, the naturopath lends intelligent assistance and interprets nature’s laws for the patient.

Shri H.K. Bakhru who has contributed numerous articles to leading newspapers and magazines on various ailments and their cure through dietetics and nature cure treatments, has already to his credit the authorship of three books on nature cure: ‘Health the Natural Way’, ‘Diet Cure for Common Ail ments’ and ‘Foods That Heal ’. All three have been well received by the public.


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