A Comparison Study of Winter & Summer Leaves of Various Herbs

A Comparison Study of Winter & Summer Leaves of Various Herbs

A Comparison Study of Winter & Summer Leaves of Various Herbs – The structure of most plants varies with the habitat and even with the varying conditions of the same habitat. This has been emphasized by GREVILLIUS,’ CHERMEZON,2 COWLES,3 STARR,4 and others.

GREVILLIUS made an extensive comparative study of vegetation growing on the island Oland. He compared the plants of a dry, rocky, treeless plain (alvar) with the same species growing in favorable regions. The former he calls alvar forms, the latter, normal forms.

The alvar forms, in general, were hairier and more had a more highly cutinized and thicker epidermal wall, a more compact palisade parenchyma, and more closely crowded stomata than the normal forms.

These structural peculiarities due to environmental changes may be observed readily in almost any plastic plant. Oenothera biennis, for example, when growing in a dry, sterile soil and exposed to strong wind and maximum sunlight, is found to have smaller and thicker leaves, more perfectly developed palisade parenchyma, a hairier and a more densely cutinized epidermis, and, in general, a more xerophytic structure than the same species growing under more favorable conditions.

A similar structural difference is apparent in summer and winter leaves, or in stem and rosette leaves. Winter leaves, as the name implies, exist during the winter, which, in our latitude, is the most unfavorable season of the year.

During the winter transpiration becomes relatively excessive because of the reduced rate of absorption, and plants are thus put to the severest test.

Sometimes for days at a time the ground is frozen and absorption is practically zero; while during the warmest part of the day considerable transpiration may take place. The plant is thus exposed to the danger of desiccation.

Moreover, during the night the most exposed leaves may freeze hard. Toward noon of the following day, they may thaw out, presenting a wilted condition as if killed by scalding.

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