Lush Garden Secrets

Lush Garden Secrets


Lush Garden Secrets – Gardening One thing to keep in mind during gardening is starting it small.

A small plant bed which is about 25 to 30 feet square is quite perfect. It is aptly enough room for around 30 plants. This would give a chance for trying out the green thumb. If one finds it like enjoying the garden then they could always expand increasing the plantings.

Immediate next thing one would want to do would be choosing a site. The gardening activity must be done in areas which get around six hours of good sunlight.

One must try to stay away from big trees which might take the plants water and other nutrients. They must be at least about three feet from the fences and other buildings.

In hot climatic conditions it is good to choose places which have shade apart from the intense afternoon sunlight. It is always possible to keep a healthy garden with ten to 12 hours of sunlight; however, the plants must be quite adaptable.

While the soil could always be improved, a site with better soil is nevertheless a plus. Areas having rocky soil, or steep slopes, or the areas where water is stagnant must be avoided.

Then is the fun part of starting to dig. Gardening is never a clean hobby; one would definitely have to get dirt under the nails.

Firstly, the rocks, debris, along with grass and weeds must be removed. Then the spot up must be dug about a foot deep. We must then level up dirt and put in compost or minerals if needed.

If the soil is very acidic, lime could be added. Now if it gets too sandy some peat moss may be added. Plants would thrive in neutral with acidic soil when a little fertilizer is added.

If seeds are bought, then they must be planted according to directions suggested. If you are picking plants then always choose those with green, and healthy-looking stems, leaves and healthy roots. Keep the smaller plants in front of the bed. Keep the larger ones at the back.

The key to a successful start in gardening is ensuring the planting activity at the apt time. Ascertain and wait till frosts are finished before planting.

While planting the seeds always check the package. It would usually tell the exact time when you could plant them to achieve full growth.

As you have started and gotten into gardening, make sure that your plants get enough water essential for their growth. Watering, especially hand watering, would work well if there were only a few plants.

Many other options would include things like sprinklers or sprinkler hoses. During the cooler part of the day, watering is highly effective. The amount of water required would depend on the type of plant; however most require an inch per week. When it is hottest period, the plants would need watering about three times a week.

Mulch or compost is the most helpful of many things which could be added to a garden. A few inches of organic mulch would improve fertility helping the soil to hold moisture. The wood chips, leaves, grass clippings, manure, and the pine needles are everything that could be used like mulch.

Raised Summer Gardens

Raised gardens have become very popular as quite many of them are renting their property or finding themselves in the high-rise apartments of buildings with some or no lawn space at all and moreover very less access to real soil to plant flowers and vegetables which they desire having with them.

Actually, there are very few pros about using the raised gardens when opposed to tilling soil for those wishing to structure smaller gardens and also are limited about the space where it could be done. Simultaneously, those who wish for bigger yields are usually dissatisfied with the limits of the raised gardens.

Such are ultimately individual choices but it is suggested to know and point out a few of the pros and cons about such types of gardens so that people can decide about the same.

Soil compaction

The plants love to breathe. This is often very difficult when it is placed in the garden rows as there is a little bit of difficulty perhaps, avoiding all together possibility of stepping in the tilled rows where the fruits, vegetables, or the plants are planted in traditional garden situation.

With the help of raised gardens, which are designed to be worked without, there is almost no fear of compacting soil around plants. During the same time most, lifelong gardeners get a feel of the inability to walk in the gardens.

This is a disadvantage as they prefer being able to do it. It is often matters about preference rather than practicality but a valid opposition is just the same.


You could essentially plant many plants in same amount of the square footage in the raised bed as there is no requirement for rows. One should also be very aware of the fact that the plants in the raised beds very often tend to grow larger than those plants in the traditional garden rows.

This being said, one must resist the urge to overplant within raised garden beds. This would eliminate the slight benefit. Most traditional gardeners often see the results of having the beds overcrowded and feel that their manner of doing it is much better.

A good benefit to raising beds for the summer gardens in the areas which are almost saturated with excess moisture is that the raised beds would allow a better drainage than any traditional row gardening. It is one thing which the average gardener would not prefer arguing with, unless he lives in an area where this is not much of a problem.

Many gardeners in the south though, where a good deal of humidity is present along with some moisture, would agree that a proper drainage would be a problem.

The raised beds are quite less back breaking. It is a great benefit to a few of us who feel the years crept into our bones. When we are above ground, the raised gardens offer much easier access for the activities of planting, weeding, and investigating for the signs of pests.

An important thing about the raised garden is that they manifest to be slow and are not very quick to cool like the earth. It renders them much more productive and longer growing seasons like most of the gardens which are placed in ground.

Those of who have unusually shaped the yards or the growing areas, the raised gardens would allow the opportunity of having one beautiful summer garden in any shape you could build this box for. It means that you are never limited to rows, as many gardens often tend to be. You also have few more choices for aesthetics as you plan and grow the summer garden.

A downside to a raised summer garden is that it is difficult to have it dismantled and almost impossible to till. It means one must do every working of soil by plain hands and most gardeners would not completely appreciate the look of the process.

One most vital thing however, is about choosing the summer garden system which works best for you. Some may find combining the 2 would provide still better results. It is a good use of the time or you may also prefer one when compared to the other. As a matter of fact, there is no wrong answer in general. The wrong one would only be wrong for you.

Regards, Coyalita

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