Simple Organic Vegetable and Herb Gardening

Simple Organic Vegetable and Herb Gardening
Made Easy

Simple Organic Vegetable and Herb Gardening – Creating your own Organic Home Vegetable Garden using natural methods is not only logical and easy, it provides you with an abundance of inexpensive, healthy, tasty nutrient rich herbs fruit and vegetables.

Nature has shown us how to naturally grow all we need without any digging, plowing, hoeing, weeding or extensive watering of the soil to produce crops free of any chemicals and artificial fertilizers on an ongoing sustainable basis.

In fact, the least amount of disturbance to the soil the better, as doing so is detrimental to the micro-organisms that live in healthy living soil destroying their natural delicate balance, disrupting the food chain and promoting erosion, weed growth, pests and disease.

For generations people have worked very hard for long hours breaking up digging, plowing and hoeing the land in the mistaken belief they can do it better than nature.

Land that for thousands if not millions of years was fertile and productive has been turned into virtual desert. By adding chemical fertilizers and the use of fungicides and pesticides tha  kill off many of the micro-organisms that convert organic matter into healthy soil, not returning organic matter to the land as well as plowing and extensive irrigating, most commercial farm land, many millions of hectors of land has been reduced to a bare and baron state that is only able to grow produce if fed more chemicals with extensive labor costs and a very limited future.

The produce coming from many of these factory farms looks good but is lacking in many beneficial compounds, lacking flavor and many of its potential nourishing properties.


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